Mouth-Sinus Communications –
How to Lessen the Risks
If you have had an upper premolar or molar tooth
removed, there is a small risk that a communication
between the mouth and sinus may develop.
You may not be aware of this for several weeks (it can
develop as late as 4 – 6 weeks after the extraction). It
will often manifest itself as a discharge of fluid from the
nose after drinking, possible discharge of pus from the
nose, acute and chronic sinusitis and a foul taste in the
mouth and smell in the nose.
To minimise the risk of developing this communication
between the mouth and sinus,
Smoke (this slows the healing of the extraction socket
and makes you more likely to develop an infection in
the socket which increases the risk of developing the
mouth-sinus communication).
Blow your nose (this increases the pressure within the
sinus and increases the risk of developing the mouth-
sinus communication).
Go flying for the next 4 – 6 weeks (the cabin is
pressurised and this increases the risk of developing
the mouth-sinus communication).
Use nasal decongestants (such as Ephedrine nasal
drops, Oxymetazoline & Xylometazoline) as this
reduces the degree of swelling of the nasal lining and
lessens the likelihood of sneezing.
Use steam inhalations augmented with Karvol or
Olbas oil.
Use an antiseptic mouth-wash (such as Corsodyl) as
this lessens the likelihood of infection and speeds
Sneeze with your mouth open as this lowers the
pressure within the sinus and lessens the likelihood of
raised pressure creating the mouth-sinus
Take the antibiotics and finish the course (if