Studies have shown that high-quality plaque control can prevent and control gum problems and tooth decay. Plaque control can be achieved mechanically or chemically by self care or professionally by dentists. The professional treatment is carried out by means of small rotating brushes or rubber cups, scalers, curettes or ultrasonic devices. Because this work is labour-intensive and time-consuming, new methods have constantly been sought for a more effective treatment which is both harmless and comfortable for the patient. The Air Polishing system was thus introduced to provide an alternative method of stain and plaque removal.
Air polishing system uses a device that emits a pressurised jet of air, water and sodium bicarbonate powder onto the surfaces of the teeth. This jet will remove surface stains, plaque and other soft deposits like food particles trapped in between teeth. Air Polishing is firmly established as an equally safe and, on occasion, superior alternative to traditional methods for removal of tooth stain and dental plaque and it is widely utilized and accepted by dental professionals as a conventional polishing system. However there are some contra indications to the use of air polishing as follows:
Patients with restricted sodium diets,
Patients with respiratory, renal, or metabolic disease,
Patients with exposed cementum or dentin,
Prolonged polishing of root surfaces.