An overview of holistic dentistry.
Holistic medicine is based on the premise that the body is one unit and how you treat one aspect of that unit has an effect on other aspects.Holistic dentistry is based on the same notion that what affects the mouth affects the body, and vice versa.If infections of the mouth affect the rest of the body, then dental problems can be seen as causes of other aches and pains as well.
Holistic dentists take off from this premise to consider the impact of dental health in greater depth.For instance, they might discuss nutrition as it affects dental health and include alternative therapies, such as homeopathy, in their practice: treat your gums non-surgically, use antibiotics sparingly as they can disrupt the body, eschew root canals because of concerns about infection, try to use biocompatible dental restoration materials.
A number of these practices have led to some controversy.With root canals the root of an infected tooth is removed and replaced with a filling material, usually gutta percha (a form of rubber).This preserves the tooth structure helping to leave the bite intact.A holistic approach to this procedure would say that, while it may be wonderful to save the tooth structure, infection could remain deep in the socket and the bone.This would then be harmful to the overall health of the person.