Re: Medical representatives – Nuisance or help


i agree ., ., i suggest that every practitioner should allot specific hours on specific days for MR visits. , ., MRs should be asked to strictly comply with the timings of visit .,., this avoids any hamper in the appointment schedules ., .,

information regarding the effectiveness and adverse effects of the drug can be procured from the MR who is marketing it ., ,. sample drugs could be taken from him and the same could be prescribed to a few patietns who should be kept under observation through follow ups for signs and symptoms ., ., the internet too could be very helpful in this regards .,. , one must however be as confident as possible that the drug wont cause long time harm to the patient prior to prescribing it for testing it’s effectiveness and adverse effects ,. ,. , also the patient selection for such test should be done thoroughly ruling out risk-associated patients ., ., this may sound as a patient-made-guinea-pig story but then practically speaking only after having used a drug on a few patients can we judge it’s true effectiveness and side-effects . .,