Aesthetic Rehabilitation of an Existing PFM Bridge

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Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 
A male patient presented with a chief complaint of an unattractive smile with several dark areas (Figure 4). A significant fixed prosthodontic restoration had been placed 20 years ago. The existing restorations of concern were a 4-unit fixed bridge extending from teeth Nos. 3 to 6, single-unit crowns on teeth Nos. 7 and 8, and a 3-unit fixed bridge extending from teeth Nos. 9 to 11. Except for tooth No. 7, there was no mobility present. However, the current periodontal bone support was significantly compromised. This individual was a smoker of almost 40 years. He had undergone a variety of different smoking cessation therapies at several points in his life. Unfortunately, there has been no long-term success and he continues to smoke about one pack of cigarettes per day. Despite encouragement, he did not anticipate attempting to again quit smoking in the near future. 

Figure 4. Pretreatment view depicting numerous aesthetic deficiencies.

Tooth No. 7 had 90% bone loss, and exudate was present in the periodontal pocket. This tooth required extraction. The remaining abutments had approximately 50% bone loss. Considering this patient’s smoking habit and uncertain periodontal support, fabrication of new fixed restorations were not warranted. The patient was informed that a removable prosthesis would eventually be necessary. He requested a short-term, aesthetic solution. One that he hoped would “last a few more years.”