Treatment options
A periodontal abscess is extremely destructive, and if not treated promptly, can quickly result in irreversible damage to the surrounding ligaments and bone, ultimately causing you to lose the tooth.
• The primary goal of treatment is to drain the infection; we usually accomplish this by carefully scraping the pocket lining.
• We then remove the plaque and calculus adhering to the root surface with scaling and root planing; this hopefully prevents a recurrence of the infection.
• Antibiotics may be helpful in eradicating the infection.
• We usually prescribe pain medications to alleviate the discomfort associated with the abscess.
• Once the abscess has healed, we recommend guided tissue regeneration and/or osseous surgery; without this definitive treatment, you are inviting future recurrence of the abscess.
Symptoms of Periodontal Disease
• Bad breath
• Bleeding tender gums
• Receding gums
• Periodontal pockets
• Loose teeth
• Spaces btw teeth
• Periodontal abscess
• Bone loss
• Tooth loss