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Ultrasound in the dentistry before CVDentus Tips.
The ultrasound was introduced in dentistry about 50 years ago, when it was discovered that it was able to cut the dental material with the aid of an abrasive slurry composed of aluminum oxide. During the decade of 1950 dentists uncovered the following advantages of the dental cavity preparation with ultrasound:
· cutting of the tooth with very light pressure;
· absence of pain in the majority of the procedures;
· absence of harmful effect on the pulp;
· precision of cut and excellent quality of finishing.
However, in the decade of 1960 the dental cavity preparation with ultrasound was abandoned due to the inconvenient use of the abrasive slurry and the relatively low cutting speed. It was surpassed by the high cutting efficiency of the high speed turbines, more adjusted for a dentistry of invasive concept, based in the preventive extension and retentive preparations.
From then on, the ultrasound started to be used as accessory in processes of cleanness and asepsis, as tartar removal, periodonty and endodonty, or in processes that needed the high ultrasound energy, as in the condensation of inlays/onlays and the removal of bolts and crowns. Great part of the dental doctor’s offices have ultrasound equipment for use in one or more of these applications.
The advantages of the dental cavity preparation with ultrasound, as described above, are in accordance with the necessities of the modern dentistry, in which the concepts of maximum preservation and minimum restoration are fundamental. However, to be efficient more adequate tools are necessary to eliminate the necessity of the abrasive slurry.
Some ultrasound companies supply some conventional diamond tips to use in their equipment, which are recommended only for minimally invasive cavity preparations.
CVDentus is the only technology that enables extensive use of ultrasound in dental cavity preparation.