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What Is Ketamine?
A drug used in human and veterinary medicine primarily for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia.
Though usually used for this purpose in combination with some sedative drug, Ketamine, developed by Parke-Davis in 1962, was eventually used as a recreational drug due to its capability to produce a dissociative state, characterized by a sense of detachment from one’s physical body.

The Basics
What it is, what does it look like, how is it ingested?

Ketamine is also known as Special K, K, or Ket. It comes in a clear liquid and a white or off-white powder form. This drug can injected, mixed in a drink, or combined with tobacco or marijuana and smoked.

Effects of Ketamine
What it does, the physical and mental effects while high, what happens in the brain, after-effects of using ketamine.

Ketamine makes the user feel disassociated from their body and can cause hallucinations. The user may feel sleepy or sluggish, or confused and clumsy. They may babble, appear drunk, or have trouble remembering who they are.

Ketamine Dosage and Amounts Taken
How much ketamine will cause an overdose? What is a lethal dose of the drug?

When you buy ketamine on the street or in a club, you don’t know what other substances it might be laced with. It is difficult to ascertain how much of the drug you are ingesting.

Dangers and Long-Term Effects of Ketamine Abuse
Risk of overdose, physical dangers, what are the long term effects of use?

Since ketamine is an anesthetic, there is a risk of vomiting associated with use. Eating or drinking before taking the drug increases the risk of choking on one’s own vomit. Ketamine affects the central nervous system, and can reduce the amount of oxygen getting to the brain and other vital organs.

How addictive is it? Is addiction a myth? Do I have a problem? Signs and symptoms of ketamine abuse and dependency.

Over time, the ketamine user develops a tolerance for the drug and has to take larger doses to get the same effect. Rather than creating physical cravings for the drug, ketamine is more like a psychologically addictive substance.

Ketamine Overdose, Symptoms, Signs and What to Do
What are the signs of an overdose? What to do if you spot symptoms of a ketamine overdose.

A ketamine overdose will slow down a person’s breathing. It can cause the user to lose consciousness, and in some cases, may be fatal. Approximately 10-25 percent of the dosage used for surgery is enough to produce a "high."
We recommend that you call your local emergency line if you or someone you are with shows signs of an OD. A list of US poison control centers and addiction resources are available at our drug emergencies resource page. Once the emergency is neutralized, please consider seeking treatment.

Mixing with Other Drugs
What are the effects of mixing ketamine with alcohol, amphetamines, cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy (MDMA), heroin, LSD, magic mushrooms, tobacco and other drugs?

Taking ketamine with other "downers," like alcohol or heroin, only increases the drug’s sedative effects. You run the risk of slowing or shutting down your central nervous system by combining drugs in this way.

Drug Tests and Detox
What are the detection times? How long does ketamine stay in my system? Will I pass a ketamine drug test?

Most drug tests don’t specifically look for ketamine, but it can be detected in urine for two to four days after use. Detox for ketamine addiction is more emotionally than physically painful and should be supervised by trained personnel.

Legality, The Laws of Possession, Use, and Distribution
Is ketamine illegal? I got caught with ketamine, am I going to jail? How long are sentences for ketamine dealers; what about just possession for recreational use? Is it a felony?

In the United States, it is illegal to possess ketamine unless you are a licensed medical practitioner or have a prescription. Under U.K. law, ketamine is a Class C drug, which means it is illegal to possess or use it.

Spiritual or Medicinal Use
Can ketamine be used for purposes other than recreational, like spiritual or medicinal?

Ketamine is used as an anesthetic for veterinary purposes. It can also be prescribed for human use as a pain reliever for patients with chronic pain who do not respond well to other pain medications.