The tablets, , contain a dye (typically a vegetable dye) that stains plaque a bright color (typically red). After brushing, one chews a tablet and rinses. Colored stains on the teeth indicate areas where plaque remains after brushing, providing feedback to improve brushing technique. For self-examination, a dental mirror may be needed.
A disclosing agent is used for the identification of bacterial plaque, which might otherwise be invisible to the naked eye.
Personalized patient instruction and motivation.
Self – evaluation by the patient.
To evaluate the effectiveness of oral hygiene maintenance.
Agents used for disclosing plaque:
1.Iodine preparations
2.Mercurochrome preparations
3.Bismark brown
6.Fast green
8.Two tone solution ( Tones older plaque blue and newer red)
9.Basic fuchsin.
Disclosing agents are available as:
Plaque disclosing tablet
Plaque disclosing solution
Plaque disclosing swab
Plaque disclosing floss
Application of Disclosing agents: ( Self examination directions)
You should complete your brushing and flossing.
After that put some disclosing solution into your mouth or chew onto a disclosing tablet and let it mix with saliva.
Swish the mixture for 30 seconds and then spit it out.
Now check the teeth for stains. You should check the inside of back teeth and behind the front teeth. Use a dental mirror if necessary. Your gums and cheek might also be stained as the dye stains any bacteria.
Brush and floss, to remove the stains and hence the hidden plaque.