“Dhandha Hai Aur Ganda Hai Yeh….
Dental Council of India (DCI) should ask whether “Fellowship” means paying stipend to learner or it means “Exploiting/ Looting” the colleague/ dentists by asking himself/ herself to pay for fellowship….
I see several advertisements where I observe that Dentistry has wiered meaning of fellowship….. In dentistry “Fellowship is not paid to learner but learners are asked to Pay for it”… And those dentists … juniors and seniors, who pay for attending such “fellowship” are not aware about the:
1. UGC-NET-JRF/SRF (Junior Research Fellowship)
4. Full-bright Fellowship
Numerous such fellowship are available which is “paid to the learner as stipend/ honorarum” to encourage learning, research, innovate.. But dentistry is cursed by poorly conceptualised CDE (Continuing Dental Education) and there begins the “Organised Loot and Legalised Plunder”….. Also to my surprise, the DCI is questioning only the “Universities” that are conducting such Fellowship programs and not the “Private” providers who are also deep engrossed in this “Business of Fellowship Certificate Courses”