DISC is system that characterized the emotions and behavior of normal people (Ex. In Graph). Research on human emotions,
illustrate normal human emotions through behavior using the four behavior types called Dominance (D), Inducement (I), Submission (S), and Compliance (C) (Fig 1).
Behavioral types came from people’s sense of self and their interaction with the environment. Two dimensions influence people’s emotional behavior. The first dimension is whether a person views his environment as favorable or unfavorable. The second dimension is whether a person perceives himself as having control or lack of control over his environment. These characteristics are as follow:
Dominance: Perceives oneself as more powerful than the environment, and perceives the environment as unfavorable.
Inducement: Perceives oneself as more powerful than the environment, and perceives the environment as favorable.
Submission: Perceives oneself as less powerful than the environment, and perceives the environment as favorable….ETC
FULL ARTICLE HERE; http://asnanportal.com/index.php/reports/series/124-dental-practice/556-challenge-team-members