2-day lectures held nationwide, on the Dental Treatment of Snoring and Sleep Apnea.
Expect to learn:
-Understanding sleep and sleep disorders
-Physiology of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea
-Treatment options including surgery, CPAP and the current state of “Dental Sleep Medicine”
-Clinical signs and symptoms of sleep disorders in a dental patient
-Screening procedures and office protocols for identifying sleep apnea
-Sleep apnea diagnostic options (Home Sleep Testing, In-Lab PSG Diagnostics)
-How to take proper records, bite registrations to maximize success
-Pro’s and Con’s of all the major oral appliances, how to select an appliance
-Medical insurance billing – a practical approach to maximize patient benefits and minimize risk
-Dental sleep medicine marketing 101
-HANDS ON: Acoustic pharyngometer / rhinometer testing, home sleep tests on attendees
View course calendar here: http://sleepgroupsolutions.com/2.0/modules/piCal/index.php?smode=&op=&cid=2