OSAP’s New Website

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    The Organization for Safety & Asepsis Procedures (OSAP) has launched a new website at http://www.osap.org. The OSAP website is the gateway for accessing up-to-the-minute research-based information on infection control and safety in dentistry. The site features charts, checklists, training tools, continuing education programs, news summaries, and more. Much of the content is available to the public, but OSAP members are able to access special content and features.
    A new social networking capability allows OSAP members to connect with each other, as well as follow the organization on Facebook and Twitter, view photos and videos on Flickr and YouTube, and subscribe to the RSS feed. A Safety Mall offers products and services relating to infection control and includes downloadable materials, for those with an immediate need. The new site features a fresh look and many new features.

    Special content is available for speakers, consultants, dental professionals, and others concerned about infection control and safety in dentistry. Visitors can also get information and register for events, such as the 2010 Infection Prevention Symposium, which will be held June 10-13, 2010 at the Hyatt Regency in Tampa, Florida.

    The OSAP website is updated on at least a daily basis, but when pandemics, natural disasters, or other breaking developments that impact infection control occur, the site is updated multiple times a day. Visit http://www.osap.org frequently to stay current on fast-changing safety and infection control challenges.

    OSAP is the Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures. Founded in 1984, the non-profit association is dentistry’s premier resource for infection control and safety information. Through its publications, courses, website, and worldwide collaborations, OSAP and the tax-exempt OSAP Foundation support education, research, service, and policy development to promote safety and the control of infectious diseases in dental healthcare settings worldwide.

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