Recent advances in shade-matching technology

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    ShadeEye NCC by Shofu
    The ShadeEye NCC Dental Chroma Meter generates a complete recipe to match the shade for a porcelain crown. It will accommodate several shade guide systems, including its proprietary Shofu Vintage Halo porcelain system, classic Vita shades, Vitapan 3D-Master, Chromascop, or Biodent. The base unit can generate a printout, or can download it to a personal computer. On the computer you can use the Shade Eye Viewer software to record all the patient’s shade information which can then be e-mailed to the laboratory along with digital photographs of the teeth. For more information, call (800) 82-SHOFU or visit

    ShadeScanâ„¢ by Cynovad
    ShadeScanâ„¢ measures shades over the entire tooth surface, then analyzes them and generate a shade match report. It likewise can generate a report to be used with any standard shade guide system. ShadeScanâ„¢ creates an image of the tooth with a translucency and characterization map, and then will generate a printed report.
    Besides using ShadeScanâ„¢ for crowns and bridges, the manufacturers suggest using it also for direct restorations and to monitor bleaching treatment. For more information call (866) CYNOVAD or visit

    ShadeVision System by X-Rite
    The ShadeVision unit uses advanced colorimetry to scientifically determine the hue, value and chroma of the teeth. The ShadeVision unit will capture an image of the tooth and upload it to a personal computer for processing. Shade information can then be sent to the dental laboratory via e-mail, disk, or by printout. If the shade match information is sent by electronic file, the laboratory should have the proper software to interpret the data.
    Its manufacturers claim that the ShadeVision system will improve your productivity, reduce chair time and remakes, and improve patient satisfaction. For more information, call (866) 61-SHADE or visit

    VITA Easyshade by Vident
    The VITA Easyshade unit consists of a handpiece that contains multiple spectrophotometers and can be covered with a transparent infection-control sleeve. The Easyshade probe feeds information to a touch-screen readout which then provides a prescription in both Vitapan 3D-Master and classic VITA shades. It will highlight the closest shade match in both of these shade guides.

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