1)IN case of airway obstruction clearing the airway is of utmost importance to keep the airway clear and patent.If the child finds it unable to cough which is essential in case of lodged foreign body, the child should be put in lateral position and thumped on the back to cough out.One can also use the HEIMLINCH s maneuver to dislodge the choked object
2)Anaphylactic shock can be dealt with by immediate administering 0.15 ml 1:1000 adrnl im or sc.Monitor vital signs and maintain airway,breathing and circulation
3) Acute asthmatic attack can be dealt with by administering 2 puffs of a bronchodilator like albuterol through an inhaler.If no improvement follows then one can administer 1:1000 adrnl o.15ml im or sc.
4)In case of Hypoglycaemic attack oral carbohydrate is given if child is conscious one can also administer 1mg glucagon im..If trained one can also give 50%dextrose iv