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    TARNISH is a urface discolouration on a metal or even a slight loss or alteration of the surface finish or lustre.

    It may occur on amalgam or gold restorations due to:
    -Formation of hard and soft deposits on the surface of the restoration, calculus being the principle hard deposit.Mucin & plaque are soft deposits.
    -Pigment producing bacteria that leaves stains.
    -Formation of thin films of oxides, sulfides or chlorides.

    CORROSION is an actual deterioration of the metal of the restoration by means of a reaction with the environment.
    Tarnish is said to be a fore-runner of corrosion.
    The corrosion leads to gradual mechanical failure of the structure.
    The various acids in the oral cavity like hydrogen silfide or ammonium sulfide, corrode the silver,copper,mercury and similar metals present in the restoration.

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    What are the predisposing factors that may cause tarnish and corrosion in a restoration?

    Registered On: 30/11/2009
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    I think irrespective of the quality of the filling, a little amount of tarnish and corrosion is bound to occur over a period of time..


    I agree….but by following all the steps meticulously, we can prolong the life of the restoration anf also delay onset of the tarnish and corrosion

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