The Cusil denture
If you have read my page on full dentures, you will realize that they tend to be unstable and difficult to retain in the mouth. However, even the presence of a single remaining tooth in an arch can make the denture much more stable and retentive. A new kind of appliance is now available to allow a patient to retain one or more teeth and still wear a “full denture”. A Q-Sil denture is essentially a full denture with holes allowing the remaining natural teeth to protrude through. Normally, the key to retaining a full denture is the suction that is obtained by fitting the plastic closely to the gum tissue, but a hole allowing a tooth to protrude through would ordinarily break the suction. The CuSil denture is unique because the holes that surround the natural teeth are lined with a rubber gasket which snugly holds the teeth while allowing a natural suction to form under the denture. For a more complete discussion of the CuSil denture, click the image below.
Gaurang Thanvi
Jodhpur Dental College
Jodhpur National University