Tooth Removal Warnings

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    Typically, the tooth is extensively decayed or
    fractured and is causing chronic infection and

    Sometimes, the tooth has to be removed surgically.
    Surgical removal is needed when simple extraction is
    not possible because of the condition of the tooth.

    This list of warnings might seem excessive to some
    however the legal ruling in the case of Chester vs Afshar
    (2004) would suggest that it is quite prudent / necessary
    to list them. Others might say that there isn’t enough
    information but where do you stop?

    The following list of warnings regarding tooth extraction is
    neither exhaustive nor is it predictive. The most pertinent
    warnings have been included here.

    Common Surgical Consequences:

    Pain. As it is a surgical procedure, there will be soreness
    after the tooth removal. This can last for several days.
    Painkillers such as Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Solpadeine or
    Nurofen Plus are very effective. Obviously, the painkiller
    you use is dependent on your medical history & the ease
    with which the tooth was removed.

    Swelling. There will be swelling afterwards. This can last
    up to a week. Use of an ice-pack or a bag of frozen peas
    pressed against the cheek adjacent to the tooth removed
    will help to lessen the swelling. Avoidance in the first few
    hours post-op, of alcohol, exercise or hot foods / drinks
    will decrease the degree of swelling as well.

    Bruising. Some people are prone to bruise. Older people,
    people on aspirin or steroids will also bruise that much
    more easily. The bruising can look quite florid; this will
    eventually resolve but can take several weeks (in the
    worst cases).

    Stitches. The extraction site will often be closed with
    stitches. These dissolve and ‘fall out’ within 10 – 14 days.

    Limitation of Mouth Opening (Trismus). Often the chewing
    muscles and the jaw joints are sore after the procedure so
    that mouth opening can be limited for the next few days. If
    you are unlucky enough to develop an infection afterwards
    in the socket, this can make the limited mouth opening
    worse and last for longer (up to a week).

    Post-op Infection. You may develop an infection in the
    socket after the operation. This tends to occur 2 – 4 days
    later and is characterised by a deep-seated throbbing
    pain, bad breath and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
    This infection is more likely to occur if you are a smoker,
    are on the Contraceptive Pill, on drugs such as steroids
    and if bone has to be removed to facilitate tooth extraction.

    If antibiotics are given, they are likely to react with alcohol
    and/or the Contraceptive Pill (that is, the ‘Pill’ will not be
    providing protection).

    Adjacent Teeth. The surrounding teeth may be sore after
    the extraction; they may even be slightly wobbly but the
    teeth should settle down with time. It is possible that the
    fillings or crowns of the surrounding teeth may come out,
    fracture or become loose. If this is the case, you will need
    to go back to your dentist to have these sorted out. Every
    effort will be made to make sure this doesn’t happen. In
    very rare instances, the surrounding teeth may actually
    come out as well as the intended tooth.

    Surgical Removal. To ease the removal of teeth, it is
    sometimes necessary to cut the gum and/or remove bone
    from around the tooth. If this is the case, you can expect
    the extraction site to be more sore afterwards, the
    swelling to be greater and more likely to become infected.
    Hence, stronger painkillers are needed; use of icepacks
    necessary and antibiotics will probably be prescribed. The
    bone grows back to a greater extent. Care though will be
    taken not to be ‘wasteful’ in bone removal as this effects
    afterwards the provision of dentures, bridges and implants.

    Less Common Surgical Consequences:

    Numbness / Tingling / ‘Burning’ of the Lip, Chin and/or
    Tongue. The nerves that supply feeling to the tongue,
    lower lip and the chin run close to the root-ends of the
    lower molar teeth and exit onto the gum close to the roots
    of the premolars / bicuspids. There is a risk that when
    back lower teeth (wisdom teeth especially) are removed,
    these nerves can be crushed, bruised or stretched
    resulting in numbness (at the worse end of the scale) to
    altered sensation (at the other end of the scale) in the
    region of the lower lip, chin and/or tongue.

    This nerve bruising tends to be temporary (rarely is it
    permanent) but ‘temporary’ can stretch from several days
    to several months. It is hard to predict who will get nerve
    bruising and if it will be temporary / permanent and if
    temporary, how long for.

    Left Behind Tooth Tips. In rare instances, the very ends of
    the teeth may be left behind.

    In the lower jaw, this is done because in trying to remove
    these root tips, the nerve supplying feeling to the lip, chin &
    tongue may be damaged. If they are left behind, there is
    not likely to be any problems associated with this.

    In the upper jaw, these root tips may stay where they are
    in the socket or may be pushed into the sinus or into a
    local blood vessel network (pterygoid plexus). If these
    tips are left behind in the socket, there is not likely to be
    any problems associated with this. However, if the root
    tips have gone out of the socket into the local anatomy,
    they will need to be recovered.

    Bony Flakes. Occasionally, bony flakes (sequestra) from
    the sockets of the extracted teeth can work their way
    loose and through the gums. These can be quite sore.
    They often work their way loose without any problems but
    may need to be teased out or even smoothed. If a
    number of teeth are removed at one go, the resulting gums
    may feel a bit rough. In many cases, the gums become
    less rough with time however, it may be necessary to
    smooth the underlying bone for this to happen.

    Failure of Anæsthesia. In rare cases, the tooth can be
    difficult to ‘numb up’. This can be due to a number of
    reasons. The more common ones include inflammation ±
    infection associated with the tooth, anatomical differences
    & apprehension. If the tooth fails to ‘numb up’ then its
    removal will be rescheduled with antibiotic cover or
    perhaps done under sedation or even a GA.

    Bleeding into Cheeks. Swelling that does not resolve
    within a few days may be due to bleeding into the cheek.
    The cheek swelling will feel quite firm. Coupled with this,
    there may be limitation to mouth opening and bruising.
    Both the swelling, bruising and mouth opening will resolve
    with time.

    Mouth-Sinus Communications. Upper molar and premolar
    teeth often have their roots in close proximity to the sinus.
    In removing these teeth, there is a chance that a ‘hole’ can
    be made between the mouth & the sinus (this is
    sometimes not evident at the time of operation but may
    develop several weeks afterwards). If this ’hole’ persists
    or is left un-repaired, every time you drink, fluid can come
    out of the nose and you may develop a marked sinusitis.
    This ‘hole’ if small enough, can spontaneously close. It can
    be assisted in this by ‘cover plates’ that prevents food &
    fluids going into the sinus allowing the hole to close
    naturally. However, ‘holes’ above a certain size need to be
    surgically closed.

    Fractured Tuberosity. The upper molars can, from time to
    time, be fused with the bone around them so that in
    removing the molar tooth, the bony socket within which the
    tooth sits (tuberosity) comes with it. This can make the
    mouth-sinus communication larger (see above) and
    sometimes, the adjacent teeth and their bony sockets
    comes attached with the extracted tooth.

    Closure of the ‘hole’ is followed with antibiotics, painkillers
    & decongestants. Nose-blowing is forbidden for a week
    afterwards (at least).

    Rare Surgical Consequences:

    Prolonged Period of Disability.

    Prolonged Pain.

    Prolonged Limitation of Mouth Opening (Trismus).

    Prolonged Bleeding from the Extraction Site.

    Prolonged Swelling. Discomfort, swelling and œdema are
    normally considered inevitable consequences of wisdom
    tooth removal but as part of general improvement in
    patient care, all reasonable steps would have been taken
    to minimise them.

    Excessive operative time, difficulty of extraction (such as
    bone removal) and flap retraction increase the swelling
    associated with surgery.

    Periodontal Complications.

    Systemic Medical / Surgical complications / Death during
    Operative / Post-Operative Period.

    Complications associated with Local Anæsthetic, Sedation
    or General Anæsthetic.

    Development of Excessive Blood Clot / Bruising.
    Development of excessive blood clot (hæmatoma) in
    chewing muscles, tissue spaces etc may manifest itself on
    the face and slump into the submandibular region and
    then down the neck onto the chest.

    Also, effects of blood clots being converted into scar
    tissue – prolonged trismus. Hæmatoma formation outwith
    the socket can occur and may require drainage.

    Unscheduled Secondary Surgical Procedure.

    Ludwig’s Angina. This is a potentially fatal infection that
    involves the fascial spaces of the floor of the mouth and
    neck. Now rare but still needs to be taken seriously.

    Acute / Chronic / Local / Systemic Infection including
    Development of Osteomyelitis.

    Persistence of / Development of New Pathology (eg.
    recurrent or residual cyst or tumour)

    Post-Extraction Granuloma. This complication occurs 4 –
    5 days after the extraction of the tooth and is the result of
    the presence of a foreign body in the tooth socket e.g.
    amalgam remnants (from the tooth filling), bone chips,
    small tooth fragments, calculus etc. Foreign bodies irritate
    the area, so that post-extraction healing ceases and there
    is suppuration of the wound.

    This complication is treated with debridement of the socket
    and removal of any / every causative agent.

    Lingual Plate Fracture. This is seen with:

    horizontally / mesially impacted lower wisdom teeth
    that have been partially erupted for awhile together
    low-grade infection associated with them (such as
    pericoronitis or periodontitis)
    root forms that make the tooth more resistant to
    large roots
    the sudden application of force
    African origin (denser bone)
    the more mature patient (sclerotic bone)
    fusion of the tooth to the surrounding bone (ankylosis)
    the use of chisels / osteotomes, utilised in the
    decoronating of lower wisdom teeth (Lingual Split
    Technique used to ‘saucerise the socket’).

    The plate fragment is often adherent to the wisdom tooth.
    Dependent on its size, it can be dissected out. The socket
    will need to be ‘tidied up’ (the archaic term “wound toilet”
    is used). It is very likely that the Lingual Nerve has been
    traumatised whilst this is being done. This will result in
    nerve damage that ranges from numbness of the tongue to
    ‘pins and needles’ or ‘burning’ of that side of the tongue
    as the extraction to loss of taste.

    Introduction / Displacement of Tooth, Tooth Fragments or
    other Foreign Body / Bodies into Adjacent Anatomical

    Jaw Dislocation. It can be extremely uncomfortable having
    a lower molar tooth extracted, not because of pain at the
    surgical site but because of traction on the
    temporomandibular joints (TMJ) / jaw joints, consequent to
    the oral surgeon pushing down on the tooth with the
    extraction forceps. It is important that the surgeon fully
    supports the lower jawe during extractions in order to
    relieve stresses on the TMJ.

    Where extractions are performed under General
    Anæsthetic, it is all too easy to forget the TMJ. On
    completion of treatment, immediately prior to removing the
    throat pack, the oral surgeon should manipulate the lower
    jaw into centric occlusion to ensure that it is not dislocated
    (i.e. the lower jaw has gone back into its correct position).
    If it is not, then the dislocation should be reduced before
    the anæsthetic is reversed and the patient woken up.

    Removal of wisdom teeth may cause / exacerbate a pre-
    existing TMJ problem. This complication is best prevented
    by allowing the patient to bite on a prop and rest every
    few minutes if the procedure is prolonged. If TMJ
    problems do occur following wisdom teeth removal or
    other oral surgical procedures, they must be treated in the
    normal way utilising predominantly non-surgical modalities,
    such as rest, heat, muscle relaxants and possibly, bite-
    raising appliances / occlusal splints.

    Exposure of an Inappropriate / Unplanned Operative Site
    (eg. incorrect side)

    Extraction of the Wrong Tooth.

    Fractured Upper / Lower Jaw secondary to Tooth

    Fracture / Failure of Instrument with Retention of
    Instrument Fragment within Bone / Soft Tissue.

    Soft Tissue Damage.

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