TMJ Arthrocentesis

Home Forums Occlusion & TMJ TMJ Arthrocentesis TMJ Arthrocentesis

Registered On: 14/05/2011
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The surgery is usually done under light sedation (“twilight” or IV sedation). The arthrocentesis is done by inserting needles into the affected joint space by the ear, while sterile solution is used to wash out the joint and surrounding areas. The idea is that this ‘wash out’ will remove any extra scar tissue and increase mobility in the joint. At this point steroids, lubricants, or other medications may be injected. Typically, there is no scar or stitches.

Recovery Time

After the arthrocentesis, recovery time is minimal. Many patients report that they take one to two days off work, mostly to recover from the IV sedation. Surgeons usually advise the patient to continue their soft diet and use ice and heat as directed. As always, please consult your doctor with any questions about your care.


Advantages & Disadvantages

Arthrocentesis is the least invasive TMJ surgery. It is also the least expensive. Since it is usually done in the office or in an outpatient surgical center and has a relatively easy recovery, many patients believe that these are advantages. However, the surgeon can not see inside the joint during this procedure, and even though some patients experience relief, many have told us that they notice no difference in pain relief at all or feel worse.