Surgical Dermatology

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    A number of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery departments 

    carry out Surgical Dermatology.

    This might seem odd at first glance, but the clinicians often
    have had first-hand experience of suturing up (sewing up)
    faces.  Often, if one of the consultants in OMFS Department
    has an interest in 
    Surgical Oncology, there is a concomitant
    interest in 
    Surgical Dermatology.

    Hence, in an OMFS Department you may have skin lesions
    removed / biopsied or have scars revised.  Consequently,
    advice can be given regarding the care for scars, diagnoses
    of skin lesions etc.

    Registered On: 14/05/2011
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     What are scars?

    Scars are produced as part of the body’s normal healing 


    No matter how careful or meticulous the repair after an 

    accident or operation, there is always a permanent and 

    visible mark.

    The quality of the scar varies from one individual to another 

    and from one part of the body to another.  It is impossible to 

    be sure how a 
    scar will eventually look.  The scar may be 

    very stretched or may at first be irregular and become 

    smoother with the passage of time.

    The scar may become redder, harder and more raised (up to 

    4 months post-injury) but will hopefully settle over a period of 

    12 – 18 months, when it becomes more supple, flat and pale 

    (it has ‘matured’).

    Looking after your scar

    Massage can help to heal scars.  It reduces the tendency for 

    the skin to stick to any underlying structures and is thought to 

    speed up the healing process, reducing the redness and 


    Massage should involve moving the scar on the underlying 

    structures rather than rubbing the surface of the 
    scar itself.  

    For best results this should be repeated for 5-10 minutes, 

    several times a day, perhaps after washing and bathing.  

    LanolinVitamin E oil or a neutral moisturiser can help to 

    lubricate the wound during the massage.

    You will need to wait until the scar is strong enough before 

    you begin massaging.  It is wise to ask the doctor or nurse 

    after the stitches are removed when the best time to start 

    massaging the scar is.

    Protecting your scar from sunlight

    Scars are more prone than normal skin to injury from sunlight.

    It is best to avoid exposing a scar to strong, direct sunlight 

    for the first 12 – 18 months following injury.  A sun-block 

    cream with a high 
    SPF (Sun Protection Factor > 30) and a 

    wide-brimmed hat for scars on the face will help if you 

    cannot avoid going out in the sun.

    If scars are allowed to tan, they may fade to leave a mottled, 

    patchy appearance.  Scars often itch in the heat so staying 

    out of direct sunlight may increase comfort.

    Treatment For New Scars


    Giving steroids by injection is one of the oldest and most-

    established approaches to treating scars.

    The drawbacks of this treatment are the number of side 

    effects brought about by repeated injections (

    localised skin deathdilated superficial blood vessels and 

    depressing of the scar) and the frequent occurrence of 

    de-pigmentation (white patches on the skin).

    Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS)

    Although NSAIDS have been used to prevent internal scarring 

    in arthritis for many years, they have only recently been used 

    for treating 
    hypertrophic and keloid scars.

    Research has found that salicylate compounds (as used in 

    acne) applied directly is very effective on new scars.  Using 

    salicylate this way should be done under a doctor’s guidance 

    since some patients, particularly asthmatics, may develop 

    sensitivity to the drug.


    These are commonly used to control the itching caused by 

    new scars but they do have other anti-scar properties.

    Anti-histamines subdue the inflammatory response resulting 

    in a smaller and more comfortable scar.  Patients taking 

     are less likely to scratch their scars which 

    reduces the scar growth rate and high-dose 

    can slow down the production of 
    collagen in the skin (which 

    is responsible for scar formation).

    Elastic Wraps

    Elastic support and clothing are commonly used in scar 

    .  The drawbacks are that they retain heat and 

    restrict movement.

    Gel dressing

    Sheets of hydrogel and silicone dressings are sometimes 

    used to prevent excessive scarring.  They increase the 

    moisture in the skin over the 
    scar and affect the scar 


    They can be used in conjunction with anti-inflammatory 

     and ointments to lessen scarring, and are available 

    in some chemists.

    Treatment for Old Scars

    Mechanical tension blockers

    Several drugs commonly used to treat high blood pressure 

    can be used to cause the breakdown of older ‘settled’ 

    Calcium channel blockers’ injected into the scar can 

    encourage the 
    scar to break down.

    Surgical Removal / Scar Revision

    Surgical removal is usually only used for big scars that are 

    unlikely to fade using any of the methods listed above over a 

    reasonable time period.  Surgery can also help 
    scars that 

    harbour infection and 
    scars that hamper movement.

    This kind of precise surgery has to be supported by 

    additional measures to reduce swelling, ease skin tension 

    and other factors in order that further scarring doesn’t occur.

    Use of lasers and other burning methods

    Laser use and other burning techniques have been used for 

    scar removal but as yet there is not enough evidence to 

    support them as a reliable method for treatment and their 

    use is still considered controversial.

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    What is Intra-Lesional Steroid Therapy?

    Intra-lesional corticosteroid therapy is a procedure where a
    steroid solution is injected into the scar with the aim to
    improve the appearance and decrease the size of the scar.

    The steroid most commonly used is called triamcinolone.

    This works by increasing the activity of an enzyme called
    collagenase. This enzyme breaks down collagen in the scar
    so that the scar becomes less thick and red.

    The steroid does not change the amount of collagen made
    by the cells nor does it decrease the number of cells making
    collagen; its action is primarily to remove some of the
    excess collagen from the scar.

    This technique is commonly used in dermatology and plastic
    surgery, either alone or in combination with other forms of
    treatment, to treat a number of skin conditions.

    Often multiple small injections are carried out and you will
    need more than one session of treatment.

    Side Effects of the Treatment

    There are a few side effects which you may experience;
    these tend to improve with time, your clinician may halt
    treatment if these cause any concern.

    Common Side Effects

    Pain: the procedure is generally well tolerated but injections
    into certain areas of the body, for example, palms of hands
    or soles of feet can be more sore.

    Bleeding: small amounts of spotting with blood can occur
    after the injection.

    Occasional Side Effects

    Atrophy: shrinkage of the tissue at and around the sites of
    injection may occur. This results in a white depressed area,
    or small scar like areas. The face, genitalia and lips are
    more susceptible to this than other parts of the body.

    Hyper / Hypo-Pigmentation: changes in pigmentation can
    occur at and around the sites of injection with either
    lightening or darkening of skin colour.

    Telangiectasia: infrequently, tiny dilated blood vessels or
    small red spots called purpura may become visible at the
    injection site.

    Rare Side Effects

    As the total dose of steroid being injected into the skin is
    small, the risk of the steroids being absorbed into the blood
    stream and producing generalised or systemic side effects
    are extremely small.

    Registered On: 06/10/2011
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    What is a Seborrhœic Keratosis?

    Seborrhœic Keratoses (SK’s) are also known as seborrhœic 

    senile warts and basal cell papillomas.

    SK’s are caused by a build up of ordinary skin cells on the 

    top layer of the skin.  The reason for this is not known.

    Photographs of Seborrhœic Keratoses

    A familial predisposition is apparent.  SK’s may also be a
    consequence of inflammatory skin conditions ormalignancies.  

    SK’s are not caused by a virus.

    What are the signs and symptoms?

    SK is a common benign growth occurring in older persons.

    It is typically a solid raised discrete lesion of 5 mm or less (a 

    papule) of variable colour from light brown to almost black.

    SK’s may be smooth or wart-like with visible pitting.

    Common sites include the face, trunk, and extremities. The 

    lesion also may be stalked or non-stalked (that is, directly 

    adherent to the skin).  
    SK’s can itch.

    They are not infectious and do not become malignant.

    How is it treated?

    Many patients require no treatment.

    Simple surgical excision, scraping or freezing are the 

    principal modes of removing 
    SK’s.  SK‘s generally are 

    removed if they are catching on clothing, itch or look unsightly.


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